The Sixth Form I went to was looking to improve safeguarding, as students and staff were in the same plain clothes as each other meaning they were indistinguishable from visitors. As Head Boy at the time, I offered to write a piece of software to meet their requirements to make ID badges for students using headshots, so it wasn’t contracted out for a small fortune to the company who took official student headshots.
It was decided by school management that my solution would be chosen as it was made in house, the project would be better suited to the needs of the school and have more personalisation. Making the application also gave me a good project, a bit of a challenge and an opportunity to learn more about Flask.
Overall the project was a success, being used to generate 90 student badges and lanyards annually to students. The student badge design got positive feedback from both staff and students as it displayed all the required information and led to it being rolled out to all staff too.
The project has limitations that it doesn’t connect to the institutions MIS, so student data has to be manually entered to generate the badges. If I was developing this again, I’d further investigate APIs to connect the records to the MIS and allow easier generation - however at the time this was not deemed possible due to a lack of open API.