I launched this blog after buying the domain na.thaniel.uk
to replace my social media site, and decided that I needed a blog to discuss my projects and ideas for technology.
I shopped around the different blogging platforms, looking at the usual free offerings in Wordpress.com, Blogger, Medium and Ghost (the new platform on the street, at the time). Initially I launched the site in early January 2016 hosted on Tumblr, as it allowed me the different theming options I wanted, however returning posts in certain taxonomies was limited and I soon learnt that the platform wasn’t flexible enough to build the site that I really wanted.
Then I discovered GitHub pages, after seeing repositories using it for their own websites I decided that it could be perfect for the use case that I have. After downloading Jekyll and getting it running; I realised it was awesome. Taking the default theme and heavily modifying it, I ended up with my first version of this blog.
All my posts were already written in Markdown, on Tumblr already, after I read about it being the choice of markup used for GOV.UK, Daring Fireball and other sites, as more convenient way to write, writing in one way using markings like **Hello**
for bold and then defining the CSS for this everywhere, saving the overhead of having to do <span class="head-post-bold">Hello</span>
each time. All my posts ported across fine to the new platform with only some minor tweaks being needed.
I discovered many other benefits to using Jekyll on GitHub Pages though that have kept me using it, including
I’d recommend GitHub pages as a blogging platform replacement for those who like to keep control of their site’s design and functionality and are technically inclined; it’s also a lot of fun to work with.